Thursday, May 10, 2012

Twin's Drawing

Twins love to draw, especially with water color ~ Sigh! Whenever they saw Buncho's water color box, 'm they'll request me to give them for drawing. However I won't simply gave them as I'm afraid they'll just screw up the scene by playing the water color & paint on the wall / desk / sofa when I'm not around with them. Most, I'll just gave them washable crayons.

These were some photos taken last month when I've requested them to draw, so that I can rest for a while reading my news paper at night. KH loves drawing, he is very creative telling us that he draws about himself, a robot & about his toys - recently his favorite toy is the wooden block - FIREMAN - he declared him as a cool job (I think this might be due to the outfield trip at KidZania last March & also recently when I drove them to my office, on our way there were accident, where the fireman was at the scene cleaning the mess).
KH loves bright colour - Red, Blue, Yellow (but not green, funny)

(One of KH's drawing - he told me it was a car)

EQ's drawing is full of love & creativity. She'll be spending time to "match the color" accordingly - yes at this age..she'll told us this colour is nice of matching & etc. Even her clothes - she'll be very picky & selective in colours -her favorite was green & pink. I love to observe the way she was drawing  - she is very gentle & cute.

(She told us that she was drawing "En En" - a little girl with her mommy. Sweet, isn't it?)

The Magnetic Board

Bought this drawing table for the kids online last year, twins loved it so much. It's magnetic table & twins can play with the magnetic toys, alphabetical wordings & at the same time being "artist" to satisfy their needs.
You can get from IKEA too, the size was slightly bigger & pricey. I bought mine online from a forum, the manufacturer was from Chine, so was pretty cheap.

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