Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I saw Origami online from Early 123 forum. While I was surfing net on this website, KH sat besides me and we printed out a few for trial last week. There were lots of nice origami shown in the website, from animals, clothing, vehicles, boxes, flowers & etc.

We tried "Rabbit" as this is the easiest & lets see what did the twins did last week.
I tried folding the rabbit & shown them, but twins lost patience. At the end I folded for them instead - Sigh!
But, overall we had so much fun together doing crafts & colouring together. Twins draw & colored the rabbit with their own imagination & creativity!

KH is good at drawing, from eyes to mouth & etc. While EQ just wanted to color them & she even waited papa to come home and passed him the rabbit with"good night kisses" before she went to bed. So sweet, isn't it?


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