Friday, October 19, 2012

October 2012 Happenings

October was a busy month for me & twins.
Early October, EQ has been admitted to CAH due to tonsillitis. It all happened all of sudden, without any symptom at all. Papa send twins to school just as normal.
Suddenly, the principal called up informing us that EQ was down with high fever & cried non-stop.
Papa immediately went back to kindie to fetch her & rush her to paed.

Doctor told she was infected with tonsillitis and need us to send her to nearest hospital for thorough checkup for other tests as well. She was fine & very cooperate on the first day when admitted to hospital. She requested for food & drinks. Yet, everything changes for the next few days.
I guess she began to felt lonely and boring, being left at hospital, while her brothers can play & ran.

I'm more worried for KH & JY at the other hand, as mom told me they were with mild fever too.
Oh my, I've began feeling exhausted taking care of EQ alone at hospital. Luckily after 5D 4N stays at CAH, EQ has recovered and can be discharge. Papa was then flew off to Shanghai for business trip for a week. Off he go, with me & mom alone with the kids - Sigh!

3Q MRC Concert
It was held on 7th Oct (Sunday) at Summit USJ's convection hall.
We weren't excited at all, as EQ was still at CAH. We requested doctor for time off to allow EQ to participate in the concert. Yet, I still find that this is hurting EQ as well.
She was a bit cranky in the concert, as she can't performed at all, with bandage on her left wrist.
She cried when she saw her friends dancing on stage.
She cried non-stop duing the last song (Rasa Sayang) for closing ceremony.

On the other hand, JY was so enjoyed seeing all the big brothers & sisters dancing and singing on stage. When he saw KH performed, he was pointing here & there to inform us that "gor gor" is performing.

Overall, we didn't enjoyed at all for the concert, as EQ was crying during the show.
I hope next year will be better.

Twins love drawing a lot, espeically KH. Both them requested me to send them for art class.
I did some survey, find out that Global Art was located quite near to our house.
Send twins for a trial class some weeks ago. Teacher told KH was very talented in colouring, EQ on the othet hand was lack of focusing. Have discussed with papa & will consider to send them for art class in near future.

This is some art/ craft twins did while I was taking shower. Bought this nice paper from education forum, very nice indeed. All you need to do is just use a "stick" to draw on the "black paper" or color it. The colours was very sharp & twins enjoyed a lot.
(EQ was colouring "Teddy Bear", while KH was coloring " Candy")

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