Friday, October 26, 2012

花花世界- Part 2

This week topic will be all about flowers.
Taught twins the other day about : Flower, stems & leaf. Cooked early the other day and promised to take twins to the park for a stroll, if they behaved.
To my surprise, they did behave nicely, maybe recently they didn't been to the park, so they dreaded to.

We pickup some small nice flowers & branches along the park.
This will be our materials for crafts later.

We sticked some flowers on the sketch book, one by one.
I just helped twins to apply glue on the book, they sticked the flowers by themselves.
Look, isn't it nice?

This is EQ's flowers, she sticked most of the flowers we've managed to pick.

This is KH's flowers. He did this by tearing one leaf by one & sticking them up on a stem (used with a tree's branch). Lovely, isn't it?

Folded Sketch Book
This is a very simple, not expensive acticity which you can do at home.
Just by folding a drawing paper to a few times. Mine were 2 times, for a rectangular book size.
You can teached your kids the topic which you want on the writing board, while your kids can draw / write the noted on the folded sketch book.
For details, please refer to Folded Book

This is my example for "Flower" sketch book.
When I asked twins what flowers they know?
Give a guess what is their answer?

KH then told me that he knew where he could find this wordings from the flash cards.
Busy searching the flash cards.

KH is writing the words on the board. He can't remember the spelling, so he brought along the folded sketch book, which I taught them to do with writings on it.

This morning, while I was reading some educational forum, I came across this : A nicely sunflower poster DIY. So I did mine as well.
I love the idea of sticking the words in the same column basis, which the kids can easily looked at & understand. This is very simple & easy to do, which you can also do yours as home, with your kids.

For details, you can refer to Exploring Flower

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